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Thursday, June 2, 2011

kobe earthquake japan

kobe earthquake japan. Japan has also been
  • Japan has also been

  • SandboxGeneral
    Nov 11, 09:06 AM
    Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    There was someone griping on MR the other day that Steve never seems to reply from anything but his iPhone. Well here it is, he replied from his iPad!

    So there, Steve does use other products!

    kobe earthquake japan. or Kobe earthquake as it
  • or Kobe earthquake as it

  • likemyorbs
    May 5, 10:42 AM
    That doesn't make it right. Retribution, revenge, anger, fear etc are not good emotions. Try to overcome these basic desires.

    I overheard someone on the bus say something like this-

    "So Bin Laden committed an awful crime, no denying that. But in response the US imprisoned people without trial for years in Gitmo, tortured some of them for information, then shot Bin Laden when he was unarmed. They both seem pretty bad to me."

    I can see where this view comes from. Many times I've heard Americans complain that Europeans "look down their noses at them" and "maybe they would understand when planes fly into some of their buildings". However, when the US response to a disaster is detention and torture what do you expect? The US has lost the moral high ground, and these human rights violations only serve to encourage more people to fight against the US.

    It times of difficulty many governments bend the rules, and it is how the courts and the public respond that matters. In the UK we detained some people, but they started a court case and won. We had a report of MI6 feeding questions to Moroccan security forces to get them to get information out of someone. However, MI6 was tripping over itself to say they don't condone torture and the courts constantly ruled more information on the subject should be released.

    Detention without trial and torture are the methods used by dictatorships and authoritarian regimes, and the world will always look down on the US government so long as they are used.

    Guess the world will just have to look down on us then. The US actually has a pair of balls, and we do what we need to do, unlike Europe who's militaries are a joke. Shooting bin laden while he was unarmed?? Seriously?? Who gives a crap? That's like being against shooting hitler while he was unarmed. Of course your solution would be to put him in jail for the rest of his life, but that doesn't fly here. Again, we are not europe and never will be, thankfully. You guys could look your noses down at us, but don't forget who's going to be there protecting your asses when you get into a war with an arab country (and that is possible, remember they don't like you either, and you're an easier target than us). I'm sorry, but their needs to be at least one nation that does what we do, and i'm glad we do it.

    Still too squeamish to call it torture? The fundamental difference between terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes on the one hand, and the civilized world on the other, is the latter's unwillingness to have recourse to violence. Policies of torture are unbecoming of a nation of people who purport to uphold the US constitution, regardless of the extreme methods adopted by our enemies. Once we sink to their level, we lose all our moral superiority and become victims of our own hate and fear as much as victims of the machinations of our opponents.

    Nope, not too squeamish just going by the thread title. It's torture, there you happy? Again, we are not europe. So europe doesn't torture and where has that gotten them? They still get attacked by terrorists, even sweden, go figure. Moral superiority or not, safety of our nation and other western nations is more important. If torture is needed to get that information and save thousands of lives, then we should do it. Someone has to do the dirty work, and it's always us. But that's ok, that's how it's always been and it's why we're such a proud nation.

    kobe earthquake japan. chart of the day, japan
  • chart of the day, japan

  • Compile 'em all
    Jan 10, 09:53 AM
    I mean, from where the hell I am I supposed to buy an iSight now. I was dead sure they will release a new iSight at this Macworld but nothing happened.

    kobe earthquake japan. Charts Post-Kobe Japan
  • Charts Post-Kobe Japan

  • ranviper
    Oct 10, 10:51 PM
    heres mine :D



    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe Earthquake Japan 1995
  • Kobe Earthquake Japan 1995

  • irain
    Sep 18, 09:47 AM
    Hey, I was wondering if there's a free or cheap program that can make pictures black and white, but have certain things colored. I have graphic converter. But I don't know how to use it to do something like that. If you can do it with graphic converter, please tell me how. Thanks!

    kobe earthquake japan. Aftermath.
  • Aftermath.

  • monkey186
    Mar 26, 08:43 PM
    No scam at all, its all in the description? The seller rocks:)


    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe Earthquake#39;s Impact on
  • Kobe Earthquake#39;s Impact on

  • blenks
    Sep 9, 12:52 PM
    I think there is a pink too, you can see it in the very corner of the picture on macworld hiding in shadow, maybe its shy?


    kobe earthquake japan. KOBE, JAPAN EARTHQUAKE 1995

  • matelot
    Apr 16, 09:22 AM
    Anyone has experience with Miro player ?

    I'm tired of running video in browser or VLC and have MBA running hot and fan going at 6K rpm full on.

    Does the MBA run better playing video on it ?

    MBA rev A


    kobe earthquake japan. the 1995 Kobe earthquake,
  • the 1995 Kobe earthquake,

  • Reach9
    Mar 23, 04:58 PM
    11...21...31...whatever the age ones mode of attire is not an invitation or deterrent to rape. I swear some of the characters are straight out of "The Handmaid's Tale".

    Sorry but you need to come out of your fantasy world.

    Is rape wrong? Yes.
    Is dressing provocatively stupid? Yes.

    If i was walking down an alley in the middle of the night and if i was stabbed, then sure the suspect would be in trouble, but i would be the idiot for walking down that alley at night.

    kobe earthquake japan. Significant earthquakes in and
  • Significant earthquakes in and

  • Twowildman21
    Dec 26, 02:23 PM
    Very Awesome Christmas!

    I got:

    Macbook Pro 17" i7 256GB SSD 8GB RAM High Res Anti Glare
    Kindle 3 with Marware Case
    Timbuk2 Command Bag
    Tron Legacy Addidas Hoodie
    Chicago Blackhawks Winter Hat
    Final Cut Keyboard Cover

    The Macbook is insane, and I am not much of a reader but already bought Fight Club and have been reading that like crazy, so maybe I will get back into reading more. Good to spend time with all the family before I go off to college next year.


    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe earthquake @ The national
  • Kobe earthquake @ The national

  • Mr. McMac
    Sep 5, 04:03 PM
    Thank You. Looks awesome on my MBP.

    You are welcome! Glad you like it :)

    kobe earthquake japan. japanese kobe earthquake
  • japanese kobe earthquake

  • Wes
    Sep 25, 12:50 PM
    Y'all get family guy in London? (sorry, I'm not up on where it's available on TV)

    Hector, you little ho. :)

    Not on any channels I get but this thread is getting as predictable as that time I played marco polo with Helen Keller.

    marco... marco... marco... marco... marco... marco...

    Internet ;)


    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe earthquake 1995
  • Kobe earthquake 1995

  • MikeonTV
    Apr 9, 04:36 PM
    I have a macbook pro which only has 2 USB ports. I use a USB bar that allows me to ad an additional 4 ports but they don't have a very strong connection. I can't use external drives or charge my iPhone.

    Are they are good USB bars that work well with a mac?

    kobe earthquake japan. kobe earthquake natural
  • kobe earthquake natural

  • eng42ine
    Aug 1, 04:11 PM
    i remembered what geektool is, and went crazy on my menu bar
    otherwise it's just a new pic

    xkcd FTW!!


    kobe earthquake japan. after the kobe earthquake
  • after the kobe earthquake

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 16, 06:50 PM
    That is false. Even lawyers agree that 100% certainty is impossible. That is why we have the term "reasonable doubt". The 5 men wrongly sentenced to death in Ohio went through what was supposed to be an exceptionally thorough legal process, yet it still failed them.

    Ok, explain to me how there is any reasonable doubt the arizona shooter is guilty, explain to me how there is any reasonable doubt the connecticut home invaders are guilty, explain to me how there is any reasonable doubt that someone who fully confesses to their crime is guilty. Your argument is nonsense.

    Don't labor under the illusion that I or anyone else cares what you think. Frankly I do not. You've added nothing to this discussion but emotional responses and baiting, after which you've abandoned what is clearly a lost cause. I think that speaks for itself.

    If your idea of a discussion is everyone agreeing with your view, then yes that's exactly what i've done. I don't care about what you think either, your opinion is in the minority anyway so i'm in good company.

    Stalin, Gaddafi and Kim Jong Il would agree. You're in good company there.

    I see what you did there.

    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe earthquake in Japan,
  • Kobe earthquake in Japan,

  • narco
    Oct 5, 04:49 PM
    Sounds awesome, but I'll still stick with Camino until Safari speeds up a bit and is more stable. Those were my only two issues.



    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe earthquake in Japan,
  • Kobe earthquake in Japan,

  • NWI73
    Feb 11, 06:33 AM
    Can anybody tell me for sure if I will lose all my rollover minutes if I make the change online? I have 5 lines on a family plan and I know that I have to make the change on all 5 lines manually which I am ok with. Can somebody verify for me that nothing will change on my account such as losing rollover mins, losing corporate FAN discount, losing anything else? I simply want to change Unlimited family text to unlimited family text plus unlimited any M2M. Whenever I do an online chat with a rep or call, they always tell me I need to 'update' my plan or something (I am on a family talk 1400 plan). I don't see a reason for this but they always tell me when I 'update', i'll lose all my rollover mins so I have not 'updated'....obviously and no ill effects as of yet.

    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe Earthquake Diagram.
  • Kobe Earthquake Diagram.

  • doctor-don
    Nov 24, 09:12 AM
    TJ Maxx isn't selling them at a loss. TJ Maxx however is diluting the perceived value of the iPad. That's something all manufacturers -- not just Apple -- look to protect.

    It's exactly why Amazon forces you to put some things in your cart to see the price. Amazon can't advertise a product below Price X, according to their agreement with the manufacturer. If they did, Amazon would be diluting the perceived market value of the product, which would force other resellers to follow suit. This forces the market price lower, and then resellers start putting pressure on the manufacturer to lower THEIR price (to resellers) so the retailers/resellers can maintain healthier margins.

    It turns into a race towards the bottom, where a product gets commoditized. Manufacturers try to avoid that at all costs, because they only have a few products where they can sell at a high-margin or premium, for so long, before competition creates a pressure to drive the price down.

    Yes, it's a loss leader item.

    From tech.fortune.cnn.com-
    Piper Jaffray's (PJC) Andrew Murphy has heard that T.J. Maxx's total supply of iPads is about 80 units, which could have been purchased as a loss leader anywhere -- including Apple's own stores -- for $40,000, and then re-sold for $32,000.

    "It's obviously irritating to Apple that they're getting used this way," says PJC's Gene Munster. "But for $8,000, it's a brilliant marketing strategy."

    And they may have bought them from Target where they seemed to be in good supply yesterday (as well as other days I have visited different Target stores) since most of the 64GB iPads are gone. The economy is doing well when the most expensive (non-3g) iPad is selling out; but it could be they didn't have that many at the start (due to the perceived poor economy).

    kobe earthquake japan. Kobe Earthquake on Jan.
  • Kobe Earthquake on Jan.

  • clactonlad
    Apr 8, 12:34 PM
    Here is a step by step guide with pics for you: http://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Repair/Installing-MacBook-Unibody-Model-A1278-Upper-Case/792/1

    Oct 10, 07:45 PM
    Just a snapshot from last year :)



    Jan 11, 04:53 AM
    I added a Workout category

    right now there isn't functionality for you to automatically nominate existing songs to the categories.

    Just use the "Report Link" feature and ask it to be placed in whatever category u would like, and we'll add it in manually for now.

    I'll add that functionality in before long

    Any other category suggestions?


    Sep 5, 10:13 AM

    Any chance of the original background JPEG?

    Pretty please?:D

    Nov 19, 05:07 PM
    I don't see why Apple would care. They get paid by the retailer.

    Oct 9, 02:51 PM
    as will i.

    even if i'd been using Echofon Pro the last few months