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Sunday, May 29, 2011

blue sky

blue sky. out of step with Obama#39;s
  • out of step with Obama#39;s

  • JML42691
    Dec 13, 10:42 AM
    Dont underestimate the power of marketing. They might have this LTE/CDMA combo where the LTE is not all that functional but is there only for the publicity. Think about the splash of the FIRST 4G iPhone!
    That would seem very un-Apple like, like somebody said earlier in this thread, they wouldn't allow homescreen background images on two of their phones because of performance issues (which can't be more than a fraction of a second), so why would they allow not fully-functioning LTE capabilities. Apple isn't a company that'll do something just so they can say they did it first, look at multitasking, Steve's quote when they announced it was something like, "we were certainly not the first to do it but we were the first to do it right." In Apple's eyes, if it isn't perfect they won't do it.

    blue sky. white cloud, lue sky in
  • white cloud, lue sky in

  • skunk
    Apr 21, 12:31 PM
    Okay, the Arabs brought us the Indian invention of Zero... :p

    blue sky. from Blue Sky Factory
  • from Blue Sky Factory

  • mrsir2009
    Mar 9, 09:51 PM
    You do realise that's a Touch screen on that Asus all-in-one right ? You also realise HP's all in one has had a touch screen for a while. Yet the day Apple ships a touch screen iMac, you can bet a lot of people here will think they were the first to do it.

    Yeah, not to mention Sony's use of chicklet keyboa... err.. wait, Apple took that idea from them and not the other way around. ;)

    Umm, a touch screen on a computer like that is really stupid because if your using it solidly for more than 1 hour your arms would fall off :rolleyes:

    blue sky. Blue:sky is the first open
  • Blue:sky is the first open

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 19, 07:05 PM
    How could you have it for ages? I think this guy is over exaggerating a little too much.

    You are the one exaggerating.

    Of course he didn't mean it literally. You have to get out more if you haven't heard this...

    blue sky. Picture of Blue sky and white
  • Picture of Blue sky and white

  • CaoCao
    Apr 25, 07:12 PM
    Is anyone mad as the two *******s who actually beat this person up? I am. They should be charged with aggravated assault.

    How about attempted murder?

    blue sky. white cloud, lue sky in
  • white cloud, lue sky in

  • Chef Medeski
    Oct 19, 07:50 PM
    If Vista is a dog, and gets a lot of bad media attention out of the gate (this will be exacerbated if Apple can release a Leopard that makes Vista pale in comparison), a lot of these upgraders-in-waiting are going to be pushed over the edge and will buy mac-minis or new mac laptops, knowing that they can fall back to Vista if OS X doesn't work out for them.

    If Vista is brilliant, and Leopard turns out to be just a minor upgrade of Tiger, most of these upgraders-in-wating will just buy another Dell like they always have.

    The most likely scenario is somewhere in the middle... Vista will get mixed reviews, but will be viewed a a very significant improvement over XP, and Leopard will be a significant improvement over Tiger, but will only have a few features that Vista lacks, and some of the upgraders-in-waiting will take the plunge, but the more conservative will stick with the devil-they-know. As a result, the number of OS X installs will continue to grow, but it won't break the crucial 10% market share that makes it a 'mainstream' OS.

    First Scenario: Never. Tiger added very little. Dashboard is nice but the real upgrade was merely Spotlight. Seriously... a little stability here.... fancy features there... nothing special.

    From the Leopard Preview its obvious they have nothing big up their sleeves that they've shown yet. Plus if this was likely they would have multiple huge things.. which guess what.... they don't. Cause if they had tons of great stuff... they would have at least showed us once. Time Machine barely counts as something good since itll probably be a resource hog and Virtual Desktops is nice... but still doesn't seem as nicely implemented as in Linux.

    Option 2: Seems more and more likely as Spring draws nearer. THE BRAND NEW ICAL.... just has a diferent brush of aluminum. And Vista while not changing anything of how XP works, it does change how it looks for the much better. Adds many Applesque touches such as attention to detail, and really does stop a lot of Spyware. I don't see it being amazing.... but it will be good. Based on what they have shown so far... if Vista isn't a resource hog, buggy, and a security risk. It'll beat Leopard. SOrry, guys but really at this point. I could even swallow one of the three for Vista to still win. Leopard is showing a weak showing currently, Jobs better have a A or two or actually 4 up his sleeves cause he needs them.

    Most likely option:

    Same as your most likely option except cut down Leopard down a notch. And see Apple began to stop growth around 7.5% as they are unable to justify the price gap, as new technologies start surfacing earlier in other machines... I haven't seen any hybrid technology or Blue-ray in Apple. Other companies are showing them off. Leopard better be good very good, and Apple better have some innocation in computers up their sleeves like new cases for the first time in what 8 yrs? If they want to beat 10% of the US market. We'll get the bronze by next quarter (beat Gateway) Yet. beating gateway isn't saying much. They create such bad crap, thats just shameful.

    A Toast to the New Finacial Year and many new and exciting (for once) Apple Products.... I mean stuff girls can get excited... not just Intel CPUs. :p

    blue sky. Tropical Ocean with Blue Sky
  • Tropical Ocean with Blue Sky

  • ctdonath
    Oct 1, 02:07 PM
    Wonder what the stairway leads to?

    Basement. Follow the Gizmodo links and you'll find the rather uninteresting floorplan thereof.

    blue sky. Clear Blue Sky
  • Clear Blue Sky

  • demallien
    Oct 4, 02:11 AM
    I actually work as a programmer for a DRM provider. Here's what our legal wonks have told us with regards to the DCMA:

    1) If we want our player to be able to read files protected by a competitor's DRM, we are entitled to do so. This means that if we had a new iPod-killing mp3 player, we would be legally within our rights to reverse engineer iTunes to crack the DRM, and then re-implement the same algorithm in our own player (it would have to be cleanroom reverse engineering of course, but that's for IP reasons, not the DCMA)

    2) However, our player must not give the user more rights than the original player. So, we can't provide an option to rip to mp3 for example. All we can really offer is another player, or, at the absolute limit, a convertor that removes FairPlay DRM, and replaces it with ours (or another provider's). The new DRM should provide exactly the same restrictions on copying/transferring of files as the original. The legal eagles tell us that this last bit is really a bit too grey at the moment to be safe, so we would be better off restricting ourselves to just a player.

    This of course makes liars of all those people that spread FUD about the DCMA and DRM in general. All DRM is crackable, and the provisions in the DCMA make it legal to do so, if the reason for doing so does not infringe fair-use....

    blue sky. White grape on lue sky
  • White grape on lue sky

  • smokingtrout
    Sep 12, 01:37 AM
    Apple already did that design. It's called the Apple G4 Cube.



    Yes, Apple did "do" that design, and it was a thing of beauty. But my stupid idea would be a projector in the same form factor. Add in the latest and greatest I/O, Superdrive, and HiFi speakers tastefully added to either side (or maybe the bottom) and you have a truly portable, hi-def media sharing device.

    After lugging around an older Hitachi projector and my PowerBook to share slideshows and the like, I'd use something like this!

    blue sky. Download : Blue Sky (ajax)
  • Download : Blue Sky (ajax)

  • goober1223
    Apr 5, 03:47 PM
    I knew there'd be a lot of "wuts" but this makes sense. If you don't like it, don't download it. I'm sure plenty of people will and it only adds value to their advertisers.

    Honestly though, some of the ads are really well done. Maybe I just appreciate them more than some others being that I am kind of in the industry.

    The bigger problem is that Apple rejected an app that served just this purpose (but was surely less pretty), as was already mentioned. This is a cool app, but they should be giving all of the money they earn from it to those that tried to submit this app long ago. I love Apple and have been converting slowly since my first iPod several years ago, but this is absolutely lame of them, even if it only effected a few people.

    blue sky. We have successfully planted
  • We have successfully planted

  • Davowade
    Apr 7, 01:15 AM
    :eek: NICE!!! Man, I am green with jealous rage. Makes my 40D, kit lens, and 50 1.8 seem so, so pathetic.

    Thanks. Sadly this all belongs to work, but it should team pretty well with my personal 550D.

    blue sky. “The Blue Sky Project,” is now
  • “The Blue Sky Project,” is now

  • twoodcc
    May 13, 11:21 AM
    well i'm not totally sure yet, but it looks like one of my systems is down already! i'll have a better idea later tonight though. i might look into having a remote login system, so i'd know sooner if something is wrong.

    i'm gonna have to cut it back to 3.5 ghz just to be safe i think

    blue sky. Blue Sky on Rails | Flickr
  • Blue Sky on Rails | Flickr

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:38 PM
    But if you are poor and out of work, or you have a low skilled job - such as working at McDonalds - you aren't likely to be a good role model.
    Spoken like a true Republican.

    blue sky. a deep lue sky gradient
  • a deep lue sky gradient

  • kdarling
    Oct 7, 08:44 AM
    Surprised this hasn't been noted here yet...

    USAToday interviewed (http://www.usatoday.com/tech/wireless/2009-10-06-verizon-google-android_N.htm)the Verizon Wireless CEO about their new Android partnership, and got an extra comment:

    Meantime, (the CEO) says, the carrier is continuing to talk with Apple about bringing the iPhone to Verizon. McAdam says Verizon would love to have the device, anytime Apple is ready. "It's up to them to decide."

    Until then, he says, the two companies are having "lots of discussions" about Verizon's network and how it might affect Apple.

    Real, or just pushing ATT's buttons so they have to pay Apple more? Who knows.

    blue sky. Blue Sky Wallpaper for PC
  • Blue Sky Wallpaper for PC

  • twoodcc
    Apr 11, 12:44 AM
    I know!! Last year they had the Mac Pro out before the cpu's were even announced by Intel!

    yeah i know! i don't know what's going on these days. apple is only concerned with iphone and ipad, but developers gotta have systems to build the apps with!

    and not just that, apple has a market for mac pros. but it will only continue to get smaller if they ignore it

    blue sky. Conqueror Laid Sky Blue 100gsm
  • Conqueror Laid Sky Blue 100gsm

  • Cander
    Mar 28, 02:34 PM
    Welcome to 1984.

    Because not being eligible for an award ranks right up there with freedom of speech. :rolleyes:

    blue sky. Sun Flowers Against Blue Sky
  • Sun Flowers Against Blue Sky

  • eric55lv
    Jan 10, 04:23 PM
    banned forever i say

    yeah from any electrocis trade show and expo

    blue sky. Clouds in Clear Blue Sky
  • Clouds in Clear Blue Sky

  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 05:41 PM
    So is contrast ratio just mean it can be brighter (700:1 compaired to 400:1)?

    blue sky. Picture of Blue sky and white
  • Picture of Blue sky and white

  • ToXicWaSTe
    Oct 29, 07:11 AM

    Getting Mac OS X from your friend and installing it onto your pee cee is illegal. You must purchase Mac OS X from Apple or Amazon or whoever.
    Getting OS X without paying for a license (which is what you are insinuating) is illegal. Just because you didn't download the software and got it from a friend doesn't make it legal, dumbass.

    Already replied to this, so take the time to read the rest of the posts. But to answer once more... I will take my PC to his house install there, mess with it and reformat once i take it home some days later. Like many use the same Windows install for more then one PC.

    This is a way to get around having to get a new copy of osx, because the law alows this where i live. But i'm not completely sure and will try to get more information on this.

    Just wish people would reply and try to help or explain, instead of immediatly trashing me... I'm trying to do the right thing, and if i have to buy th OS then I will. The reason is just to try OS X on a PC and for the sake of the apple experience.

    But hey, know you're all apple fanboys in here so maybe i should just go somewhere where people dont trash you for nothing...

    Oct 4, 07:45 AM
    The Mini is pretty powerful. Sorry to discount your argument, but I think that it's more than enough for people out there that aren't power users/computer nerds. Heck, my dad runs engineering software all day long on his Pentium 3 733mhz, 256MB RAM computer and doesn't feel the need to upgrade.

    It being in a small case is even better for the common user. Maybe to us, a small case seems like a bad computer, but the specs are similar to MacBook specs, which seems like enough for almost all users out there.

    I agree - this mid-range headless computer everyone is talking about isn't likely to happen. Apple has clearly discounted this segment as "not very interesting". I'm just guessing here, but it seems like their market research might be a little better than ours on this matter. Even if we did have several friends not buying a Mac because the mini is too small and the Mac Pro too expensive, I'm guessing Apple isn't in that market because they don't feel the niche carries enough value to produce and maintain yet another product line.

    However, and I've said this before, I think Apple should build another headless machine aimed at a particular market segment: gamers. They've already shown they can build super-cool looking hardware. They've already produced systems with crazy stuff like liquid cooling. And if anyone can give Dell/Alienware and HP/Voodoo a run for their money, it's Apple.

    Apr 29, 01:43 PM
    What stage will this be stable enough to use as your main OS? :apple:

    Apr 7, 08:07 PM

    Mar 24, 08:13 PM
    Pardon? Want to try that again?

    I can't speak for him, but DOS was tolerable. No iteration of Windows has been. That's probably what he meant.

    Apr 5, 03:47 PM
    Not yet in the German app store, curious if it will appear there.