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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

iceland volcanoes map

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  • Felix_the_Mac
    Jul 10, 10:35 AM
    I hope they build in support for ODF and stop giving support to MS Open XML.

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  • Chundles
    Jul 25, 10:08 AM
    look at the bottom of http://www.apple.com/mightymouse

    what's this?

    Mighty Mouse � Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    i thought apple made them :S

    Never heard of the cartoon character Mighty Mouse (Here he comes to save the daaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!). Apple had to license the name from Viacom.

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  • Eidorian
    Nov 3, 11:37 AM
    I bought Parallels for $29 + tax after rebate

    What rebate? Please elaborate.CompUSA was having a sale on Parallels.

    $79 - 10 instant - $20 mail-in = $49

    (I made a mistake on my rebate the fist time.)

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  • lbro
    Oct 25, 12:14 AM
    One thing I want is a new phone, my old one's battery is so crappy it lasts for a couple of hours and than it starts beeping to signal that the battery is dead. Very annoying.


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  • Tonezorz
    May 4, 03:39 PM
    Read through this thread. Look at other sites that picked this up. Look at what you did.

    Think next time.

    Wow. I knew exactly what I did. I was fishing for an official response and noted I had planned, like every other year, to upgrade to the newest phone this summer. Instead of detailing exactly why the date was moved, I was told about Apple's plans not to release during June/July. I too purchased the iPhone 4 as soon as it was available, and in fact had it in my hands on the 23rd.

    I don't know where this got off track onto how and when I pay my bill, but you don't need to jump on me for forwarding an email.

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  • Tastannin
    Apr 13, 09:20 AM
    The Thunderbolt Wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunderbolt_(interface)) has a diagram showing the TB controller's access to things. The accompanying description ("Thunderbolt can be implemented on graphics cards, which have access to DisplayPort data and PCI express connectivity, or on the motherboard of new devices, such as the MacBook Pro.[5][17][22]") implies that a TB compatible PCIe graphics card could bring older systems up-to-date. That would be interesting.

    Do you trust Wikipedia? :) In fact the line above this one on Wikipedia says: Because the PCIe bus does not carry video data, it is unclear whether a standalone PCIe card could offer a Thunderbolt port. The Intel Thunderbolt Technology Brief does not give a conclusive answer.[3]

    Everything I've read that is sourced to Intel says an add-on card won't be possible. It's my guess that the integration for Thunderbolt needs to be deeper than an PCI Express card, especially with its capability to carry video/data. It may be that Intel does not want people confused by data-only Thunderbolt ports. OTOH, I'm not a Thunderbolt engineer, so I may be completely mistaken. :D

    Great find. Let's hope Apple releases a card for the Mac Pro.

    Technical issues aside - odds are that Apple would rather sell you a new Mac Pro with Thunderbolt onboard.


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  • mccldwll
    Apr 28, 10:09 PM
    Uh the fact that if you have a cellphone unless you want to pay for something that doesn't do what you want it to do, you are going to pay for a plan regardless so one really should not factor that in to the cost of the device (as it is assumed you are going to want cellphone service if you have a cellphone. And what cellphone you get does not affect the cost of your service so the service cost is irrelevant).

    The point is it is silly to factor in a cost that you are going to pay no matter what phone you get as to the cost of the phone. The phone does not affect that cost and therefore it should not be factored in (the only way not to pay that cost is to buy a cellphone that doesn't do what it's suppose to since you have no service to use with it or to just not buy a cellphone).

    It's thinking like that which makes lotteries so successful for raising revenue in so many states. Total cost is always a factor, and total cost includes not only plan costs for two years, but it also includes the value of the respective phones at the end of the contract period. At a minimum, a 3GS is going to be worth $100 less than an iPhone 4 after 2 years. So, with a total expenditure in the $1500-$2000 range, you'll be lucky if you save $50 in the long run by going with the slower, lower resolution, older technology model. Hardly worth it.

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  • iApples
    May 1, 11:51 PM
    Does this mean the US is going to stop pumping their oil? Or was that not part of the deal? ...


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  • mjteix
    Apr 27, 12:37 AM
    While "great deal faster" is fuzzy language open to interpretation, IMO I don't consider 10 Gbps TBolt to be a "great deal faster" than 6 Gbps SATA. TBolt can't handle two SATA connections at full bandwidth - that's not a "great deal faster" in my opinion.

    When it was called "Light Peak", the technology had a lot of promise. Now that it's been downgraded to daisy-chained copper - it's only a little bit better than USB 3.0. Except that we can buy USB 3.0 devices, it's still "in the future" for TBolt devices.

    You always seem to forget that Tbolt is a dual bidirectional 10Gb/s channel technology, so in fact it can handle 4 SATA connections, 2 upstream and 2 downstream. With room to spare. On a single port.

    But besides the raw speed of TBolt, it's the variety of devices that will be available: high-end storage, audio and video, docking equipment, etc., and the fact that PCIe-class devices will finally be available for computers without PCIe slots. It's perfectly sound for a company like Apple with 90% of their computers without PCIe slots, to pioneer that kind of technology.

    Copper or optical wouldn't have change a thing except the max. length of the connection (up to 100m instead of 3m). And FWIW, the only devices you can buy today in USB3 are marginally faster (than FW800) single storage units, and there are already single solid-state drives that are faster than USB3 (http://www.ocztechnology.com/ocz-vertex-3-sata-iii-2-5-ssd.html). A couple of video devices that are already obsolete due to some TBolt announcements, and not a single audio interface. No need to trash TBolt because it can't handle $50,000+ devices (RAID Arrays of SSD on 16x PCIe cards) that only a handful of people worldwide will ever buy. As for the "low-end" ioDrive duo, prices range from $9,000 to $12,000 (320/640GB).

    Somehow I'm glad Tbolt is not fast enough to handle those devices, I also need a new car.

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  • GQB
    Apr 22, 07:52 PM
    Meh. It's an Apple. Really getting bored of the Apple look and iOS. To me they just look really cheap now. Already made my decision to get the Galaxy S2. Sorry but if Apple sticks with the 3.7inch screen, they're only gonna fall further back. Let's be honest, the iPhone isn't that great as a phone. It never was. Transmission, reception, and voice quality are poor to average. There's a reason why the iPhone 5 is being delayed. Apple took one look at the current competition and went back to the drawing bored. And that's fine. Any good company should do just that. I've never been a full on blind fanboy, hence my move to the GS2. At the same time, I don't want Apple turning into the next RIM. :o

    I love tech that's on the bleeding edge. Right now for me, that's hardware. The tangible undisputed specs. And Samsung's high end GS2 oozes bleeding edge tech. The camera and 1080P video is ridiculously amazing. I'm not the emotional type that gets all caught up with the brainless "it just works" crowd. You know what?, they all "just work." If you don't know how to adapt to any OS, then maybe you just shouldn't even use any device at all. Seriously, they're all easy to use and get used to. Don't get me wrong, Apple to me is still a great brand, but for me the honeymoon is over so to speak.

    Glad apple doesn't design for you and the .5% of the market that is that in need of daily change for change's sake.


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  • yOyOYoo
    Jan 26, 03:17 AM
    you guys think Apple stock has dropped? Take a look at Google.... WOW.

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  • umbriell
    Apr 26, 09:39 AM
    Do we think all the intel sandy bridge processors be available? I'm looking for this screamer inside my new iMac: Intel Core i7-2600K Sandy Bridge 3.4GHz.

    Matte screen would be a nice option, even if we have to pay for it. Two Thunderbolt ports please (even though they can be daisy chained, isn't there some latency?)


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  • gnasher729
    Oct 24, 05:09 AM
    Ummmm ... The Oct 18 Update in that link says exactly what we've been saying here: you can't legally run Vista Home editions in a VM. Period.

    I would be careful. Macintosh users are probably a bit unusual in that they want to run Vista in a virtual machine _only_, and not as the real operating system. Most PC users would want to run Vista _both_ as their operating system and on a virtual machine; that would be two copies, whereas Macintosh users only want to run one copy. (Of course, most Mac users actually want to run zero copies of Vista...) So anybody issuing any clarification might not have given the Macintosh situation any thought.

    And it doesn't say anywhere that the "dedicated machine" couldn't be a virtual machine in the first place.

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  • Full of Win
    Apr 24, 09:32 AM
    god what is it with the US and their billion different frequencies

    That is just how we roll.

    Its the same in others places, such as Japan, South Korea and China. In fact, the GSM iPhone 4 had an additional band added specifically for Japanese market.


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  • commander.data
    May 3, 08:21 AM
    Underclock and relabel is not anything new.
    Previous underclock were for power reasons, which is reasonable. Here underclocking a 2.8GHz standard voltage Core i5 to 2.7GHz seems to be for no other reason than to "look" better by having continuity between the high-end 21.5" and low-end 27" iMac when looking on a spec sheet. It doesn't seem to be cost since you are still paying for a full 2.8GHz chip even if you underclock it.

    The 21.5'' has a 512MB GPU while the 15'' MBP has a 1GB GPU, same chipset. There's no reason why would they do this except to push potential buyers to the 27''. This is ridiculous. If it were to keep the iMac price down, they would've added as a BTO.

    512MB for the low-end iMac is might be acceptable for cost reasons. 512MB on the mid-range HD6770M is more glaring.

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  • odedia
    Apr 29, 04:25 PM
    I just love Amazon. They truly are earth's most consumer-centric retail store, as their slogan states.

    Here's an example: I had to replace my new 17" MBP 4 times (!!) before finally getting an Apple laptop without issues. First one had serious screen leakage, second had terrible construction (non-adonized aluminum, almost felt rusty), third was great for a week, until it stopped turning on. Fourth seems ok so far, I hope it'll stay that way.

    If I had to go through the Apple store, they'd be fixing and fixing the device while I was left with nothing at hand. Had I wanted to return it, I'd probably have paid a restocking fee.

    With amazon, I get to keep the first laptop until the replacement arrives.

    With amazon, I didn't have to pay the sales tax (not really Apple's fault), plus the item's price was 150$ cheaper than MSRP.

    Two-day shipping was free, 1-day shipping was 4$. Again, cheaper than apple.

    Amazon actually paid for the return shipping of the laptops. That's 70$ each time!

    I think Amazon is poised to become the world's biggest player in retail and beyond. Cloud storage, EC2, S3, free video on demand for prime members, App store for Android, and oh yes - selling virtually anything I am interested in buying.


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  • attila
    Apr 15, 01:19 PM
    Any news in the latest build of Lion? When can I install it and be sure most works? :D

    (on Snow Leopard)

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Nov 11, 09:11 AM
    Nonsense. It means nothing of the sort. Check back in 6 months, 3 months or even 1 month and see a) how many ppl are still using it, and b) how many ppl are buying it once the first blush of excitement is over.

    Sorry, your answer is nonsense. 300,000 paid downloads means plenty. People paid for the darn thing. People think they want it now. If they want it in the future remains to be seen, but you and I can't determine that.

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  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Jul 24, 03:22 PM
    Using Apple.com prices for comparison, current Mighty Mouse is $49 and Bluetooth Mouse is $59.

    I would like to see the Bluetooth Mighty Mouse at $59 or even better a Bluetooth Keyboard and Mighty Mouse Combo for $99.

    Ditto - if the mouse is 70 dollars, there's no way I'll pay for it (I'm still surprised I forked over the 50 dollars for the last Mighty Mouse...)

    My guess? They lower the price of the wired Mighty Mouse a bit, discontinue the other bluetooth mouse, and replace it with a bluetooth Mighty Mouse for 50-60 dollars. My hope? They offer a bundle, with both the wireless keyboard + mouse for 99 dollars or less.

    Apr 29, 04:55 PM
    with Apple it is in AAC that can be converted to MP3, whereas Amazon sells just the MP3.

    Are you saying mp3 cannot be converted to aac? It certainly (and easily) can be done. You can even use iTunes to do it. It isn't the greatest idea as you aren't going to gain any quality and will almost certainly lose quality, but the exact same thing would happen converting aac to mp3.

    Apr 22, 07:05 AM
    Wow, are you this much of a jerk in person?

    Abrupt, abusive or insulting comments are not permitted on macrumors.

    Apr 13, 07:33 PM
    LOL. White iPhone 4 will be the duke nukem forever of iPhones.

    May 1, 09:17 PM
    Did the deadline just confuse everyone else then?

    Apr 13, 07:56 PM
    I agree this is a silly idea. Who in the world would want the Apple TV integrated into a TV? What happens when an updated Apple TV is released the next year? Toss out the TV and buy another? Most people going in and buying a new large screen HDTV are planning to keep it a lot longer then the peripherals attached to it. If some new device comes out, no problem, just plug it into your TV. The other thing is that the TV market is very a very mature and saturated market with some big well known brands behind it.

    I suppose they could make the content device separate like the current Apple TV which can be attached with an HDMI cable. If they do that what is the point of an Apple branded TV which would likely be built by another company like Samsung, LG or Sharp? Styling and a logo with a higher price? Nonsense.

    Everything would be streamed. Why would you need to update it beyond it breaking or needing a bigger size.