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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

keith urban and nicole kidman wedding

keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. keith urban and nicole kidman
  • keith urban and nicole kidman

  • j2048b
    Apr 27, 10:20 AM
    so nobody can answer this? any advice as to what i can do? do i need to just start a new account and see if it does it in that one as well? or can i put in the sl disc and fix it somehow?

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Four months later, Kidman was
  • Four months later, Kidman was

  • snap58
    Apr 13, 08:40 PM
    Your name says it all, good job!

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Urban
  • Urban

  • simsaladimbamba
    May 6, 02:47 PM
    What does kernel task process do ? , I have looked in console , lots of messages but don't know what to look for

    What is kernel_task? Why is it running? (http://www.thegeekpub.com/260/what-is-kernel_task-why-is-it-running/)
    via "kernel task mac (http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=kernel+task+ma&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#sclient=psy&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&source=hp&q=kernel+task+mac&aq=f&aqi=g-s3g-ms1g-m1&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=acc68342ca884eee)"

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Keith Urban Nicole Kidman
  • Keith Urban Nicole Kidman

  • MacHamster68
    Apr 26, 12:31 AM
    thank you , but still the same result no matter how often i even show windows that ati catalyst thing or how often i let it run windows is totally refusing to see that there is a ati x1600 inside and still using a standard vga driver for a 16mb card
    not even on a hackintosh i came across such problems neither on my gaming rig's which obviously run windows natively
    or do i think to difficult

    update :

    YES i did think to difficult , after reinstalling OSX and then windows7 via bootcamp and not even try to install any downloaded drivers windows 7 updated the ati x1600 from alone after running windows update , now even windows 7 is using the native resolution :)

    and windows 7 is actually really speedy compared to snow leopard , can't beat tiger which runs on another partition but still a huge improvent over windows vista which made me switch to linux back then

    now i got a real all in one computer.. Mac OS 10.4/Mac OS 10.6/windows 7/LINUX (mint,debian ,fedora,red hat)all on separated partitions and all OSes work natively

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
  • Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

  • Fivetides
    Feb 10, 08:14 AM
    I am not sure I understand. So you have to try to copy a file (Mac --> PC) to get access denied and that makes it possible for (PC --> Mac) to work when it didn't work before you got the access denied message. Also connecting works (Mac --> PC) fine without having to do anything elaborate.

    Connecting (Mac --> PC) works for viewing files only? My setup worked fine when I made sure I was on the same wireless network, and opened up a port on the PC firewall, and started up Windows Sharing on the Mac side.

    Also just a word of warning. People freak out when they see MAC or Apple (When refering to a Mac) instead of Mac. It might even be confusing for some networking folks since MAC means something different.

    You have it mostly right, I'm sorry I wasn't more clear. Connecting Mac to PC works when I want to copy a file from the PC to the Mac, but if I try to do it the other way around it won't ever work. The only way that I can copy a file to my PC is to log onto my Mac as a network drive from the PC. But it will only allow me to connect as a network drive after I went through the whole access denied thing trying to copy a file to the PC from a Mac. And thanks for the tip on Mac terminology, I just became a convert.

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman and Sunday Rose
  • Nicole Kidman and Sunday Rose

  • B0wden
    Apr 30, 09:31 AM
    fancy taking a look at this new Lion OS but not sure where to grab a copy unless subscribing to Apple Developers??

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
  • Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

  • Capt Underpants
    Aug 12, 08:38 PM
    Hey I juust scanned through the website because I didn't have enough time, but it's soooo complicated what they are saying. I still don't know what it is!

    Have you read this page (http://folding.stanford.edu/science.html)?

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
  • Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

  • VanMac
    Sep 19, 10:28 AM
    Get an M-Audio pre-amp, then you can plug any mic into it (Shure, etc).

    Pre-Amp provides for much better quality and flexibility...


    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
  • Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

  • blueroom
    Apr 25, 02:00 PM
    Why not just get Office for the Mac?

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Keith Urban and Nicole
  • Keith Urban and Nicole

  • ikaveh
    May 6, 04:45 PM
    I go to apple's site and they just funnel me to ATT or Verizon. I want to pay full price for an ip4, so as to avoid extending my ATT contract another 2 years.

    I don't want unlocked, because I'll be using it on ATT.

    if you dont care about unlock, you can buy iphone 4 for full price 599/699 without contract from AT&T. i think you can only do this by going to an at&t store and prove that you are already an at&t costumer.

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman races past Keith
  • Nicole Kidman races past Keith

  • vespasky
    Jul 2, 06:27 PM
    Pez, thanks for the replay - that is what the problem is. I reset the PMU and it booted up. Crisis over.

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman Wedding
  • Nicole Kidman Wedding

  • iluvifone
    Oct 27, 01:02 AM
    Is this it:

    MacRumors: Forums > iPhone, iPod and iPad > iPhone > Crooked battery percentage on 4.1? (http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1033207)

    bingo! thank you

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman kisses her
  • Nicole Kidman kisses her

  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 16, 08:41 PM
    Ok. I'll change "post" to "posts" and change the first post. But I kinda like my first one better because I think the logo makes it look too clutered. But since its a vote I'll submit the one that the most people like. Tell which one you like more.

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. This year movie actress Nicole
  • This year movie actress Nicole

  • MacTech68
    Jul 7, 10:40 AM
    ...I remember the cartoon on the powercc website when they lost their clone license. I should have saved it. :) Anyone have a copy? It was one of their trademark cartoons saying "OH #@!$@#$!" and it was up for a month I think.

    You mean this (click for larger) :


    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. How Nicole Kidman became
  • How Nicole Kidman became

  • superbovine
    Sep 22, 04:07 PM
    Okay I have an idea for a site where a user can type a word in a simple text box, hit submit, and the word is placed in a database (supposedly MySQL). Each time the word is submitted it's value will go up by 1, it is supposed to count how many times it's submitted. It should also contain information on when it was last submitted.

    After that I need an RSS feed to update to show the words in order of how many times its been submitted and another to show them in the order of last submitted.

    I have basic (VERY BASIC) skills with PHP and not much(except using PHPmyAdmin and installing Wordpress). How hard do you reckon this is and can you please help me to get this working?

    your problem is making with work with type pad. what you asking if fairly easy by itself, but integration would be hard for you.

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban
  • Nicole Kidman, Keith Urban

  • AUrunna
    Feb 20, 11:11 AM
    Ok, I hope some of the experts out there can help me out.

    I'm using photoshop to make some high quality posters that I'm going to print out using our university printers (very nice, archival paper, etc.), and I want to be sure I'm doing everything I can do ensure the highest quality I can.

    So this is what happened, I started making these posters with no intent to print them at first, and so I made them 10"x6.67" at like 150 DPI. NOW, I want to print them at 18"x12" and also at the original smaller size. Also in these posters it's pretty much just text and shapes made using the shape tool, some textures, etc. Here are some of the one's I've done up to now to give you an idea of what I'm working with:


    I have a variety of questions:

    1. Is it true that if I just go into the current file and change it to 18x12 at 300dpi, it won't actually be that quality? I've heard this is true.

    2. Would it be best to make a new file at 18x12, 300dpi, and then import everything from the old file, or simply make them new again? (NOTE: I have no real objection making them new if it will make it nicer, also, there's a lot of things I actually want to change with them so I wouldn't mind starting from scratch).

    3. Going off of that question, let's say I make an 18x12, and I want to print a 10x6.67, could I just decrease image size, save it in a printable form, and that won't affect quality?

    4. That reminds me, what is the best format to print from? I know not JPG, but maybe TIFF? not really sure here.

    4. When using these shapes and texts, should I rasterize them once I'm ready to print, or does that not matter? Or is there something else I should be doing? I'm confused about this whole rasterizing thing.

    Sorry for the boatload of random questions, I just want to be sure I'm getting high quality stuff here when I print these, as I'm going to be giving some as gifts and I just want them to look nice around my apartment.

    Thanks to everyone who helps out!

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Keith Urban Nicole Kidman
  • Keith Urban Nicole Kidman

  • mbustamante
    May 1, 04:22 PM
    Acouple days ago, I was running a PC. My mother wanted XP off so I uninstaled it. Well, being the Geinus that Bill Gates is, My version of XP did not backup 98. So, I convinced my mom to buy a mac. I've had no problems with it so far, and I hope I don't in the future. Thank-you apple!

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Nicole Kidman have
  • Nicole Kidman have

  • Hemingray
    Sep 4, 03:04 PM
    Originally posted by xelterran
    ddr should go in the tibooks and imacs aswell - maby even the ibook.

    "Fake" DDR or the real thing? Apple's current DDR implementation would hardly make a difference. But I suppose Apple is bound to do it sooner or later, from a pure marketing standpoint. I don't see the G3 iBooks getting DDR though.

    I've been drooling for an iBook for awhile now, but I can live without it, so I'll give it a year and see where it is then. I sure hope they don't eliminate the 12" iBook, I happen to think a smaller laptop is better!

    keith urban and nicole kidman wedding. Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman
  • Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman

  • mad jew
    Dec 10, 03:21 AM
    Open Activity Monitor to see if there's a process using a lot of your resources (RAM and CPU). :)

    Robert Grant
    May 6, 07:17 PM
    Crucial is quite cheap: http://www.crucial.com/uk/mac/index.aspx �33.58 for the 4GB RAM from them if you buy the two 2GB modules separately.

    Apr 28, 10:55 AM
    Hey guys,
    The reason I ask this is because I saw a post saying that the iphone 4 white is Susceptible to limera1n and can be jailbroken, but does this new white version come with any kind of baseband update?
    Or is it the same?
    I want to jump from my 3GS to the 4 but I rely on ultrasn0w for the unlock!

    Nope, the only IP4 baseband that can be Ultrasn0w unlocked is the 1.59.00 baseband that came with iOS 4.0 - 4.02. Anything later is still waiting for the unlock.

    You have another option however and that is the Gevey and RebelSim.


    Mar 13, 06:26 PM
    Hope there will be an app coming out in Ipad 2 in those days to detect radioactivity before fallout carried by wind head to west coast.


    Apr 1, 10:05 AM
    I would definitely get a PS3 if it could cook sausages.

    Apr 11, 07:30 PM
    Just wondering if anyone here has been able to find the location of the Bookmarks file for Safari 5.1 in OS X Lion, previously the 'bookmarks.plist' file was under 'User/Library/Safari', but as you may have noticed in Lion this structure has been changed, there's no Library folder under the User folder now, i've looked in the the system Library folders & in Safari's package contents but can't find anything.

    Has Apple changed the way Safari stores the bookmarks? Or am I just looking in the wrong places?

    If anyone could advise the whereabouts it would greatly appreciated. Thanks.