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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

friends forever quotes for facebook

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  • kdarling
    Oct 22, 04:26 PM
    So you looked around and deemed them fixed or drove around and tested them?


    In my neighborhood, which is surrounded by hills and lots of state parks, there were several well known holes for all carriers.

    Certain valleys, certain sections of road. Every local person knew exactly where they were, because cell service just disappeared in those places. That map was bang on.

    Then a couple of years ago, several new towers finally got approved and built, and the dead spots disappeared. (Alas, the skyline isn't as pretty as it used to be, however.)

    I can still see those old dead spots marked on that map. The website says it's been up since 2001. Looks like people often enter data, but don't take the time to go back and remove it, assuming there's a way to do that.

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  • jonat8
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    I would hope that if they've closed all the stores, that they will have some new media for all the stores - otherwise it's just a really stupid decision by Apple!

    *still has fingers crossed that movies will be coming to the UK store* - it's going to be a long 4 hours until the keynote..... :p :eek:

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  • daneoni
    Apr 29, 09:15 PM
    1.17GB. Chunky

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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 12, 06:08 AM
    Call me na�ve, but aren't they supposed to receive you?

    No, as long as they come to my apartment... ;)

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  • wrldwzrd89
    Apr 7, 10:03 AM
    Thats just the NT version. Windows 8 will be 6.2

    7 was 6.1,
    Vista was 6.0
    XP was 5.0

    Technically Windows 7 is the 10th version of Windows, if you don't count Windows Server.

    Windows 7 is the 7th version if you count from Windows 95.
    According to Wikipedia, Windows 8 will be NT version 6.2, not 7.0 - just in case you were wondering.

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  • anotherarunan
    Jan 15, 03:22 PM
    Nothing on the cinema displays? Does anyone else think the displays are rapidly loosing market share due to a lack of updates over the last 18+ months?

    i agree. I think it would have made sense to drop them in price in line with the mac pro update...and they didnt

    so i then thought there was something new and radical at macworld...and no.

    only thing i can think of now, is that they will get an update alongside a mac mini update (whenever that happens) because IMO they are starting to look very overpriced!

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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 3, 08:36 PM
    Just found out about the anti-gay stuff myself. This be the language: (http://news.firedoglake.com/2011/03/03/ohio-sb-5-includes-anti-gay-marriage-language/)

    Sec. 3101.01 of S.B. 5: … A marriage may only be entered into by one man and one woman. Any marriage between persons of the same sex is against the strong public policy of this state. Any marriage between persons of the same sex shall have no legal force or effect in this state and, if attempted to be entered into in this state, is void ab initio and shall not be recognized by this state. The recognition or extension by the state of the specific statutory benefits of a legal marriage to non-marital relationships between persons of the same sex or different sexes is against the strong public policy of this state. Any public act, record or judicial proceeding of this state, as defined in section 9.82 of the Revised Code, that extends the specific statutory benefits of legal marriage to non-marital relationships between persons of the same sex or different sexes is void.

    And this be the entire bill. (http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/BillText129/129_SB_5_PS_N.html)

    These people are completely out of control (per NT1440).

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  • firestarter
    Apr 22, 12:24 PM
    That's an awful idea. Posts will get downrated because someone disagrees with a perfectly valid opinion? I've already seen posts downrated because someone said they prefer Android over Apple or had a good thing to say about Microsoft. Hell, I'd probably get downrated just for my avatar.

    As long as people are going to act like little children, using these ratings to hide posts is a horrible idea.

    That's why you need meta-moderation. Weighs the balance of votes in favour of those who rate sensibly, stops people from just burying personalities they dislike.

    friends forever quotes for facebook. friends forever quotes for facebook. friends forever quotes for; friends forever quotes for. Vegasman. Apr 6, 01:05 PM. Even bends Apple#39;s own rules.
  • friends forever quotes for facebook. friends forever quotes for; friends forever quotes for. Vegasman. Apr 6, 01:05 PM. Even bends Apple#39;s own rules.

  • Mac.World
    Apr 17, 05:55 AM
    You missed out his suicide which was clearly a direct consequence of how he was treated, they killed him. He could (just) be alive today, but he's not, because of what happened. If any of you think that's "irrelevant" you frankly sicken me.

    His life and what he did was not irrelevant. I'm sure a movie or book could be done on his life's story. Teaching kids to look more at a person because of their sexual orientation, rather than their contributions, is irrelevant.

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  • Spanna
    Nov 25, 06:20 AM
    Could someone please tell me what is thanksgiving, I have seen it being celebrated on many american television programs and I know it's got something to do with turkeys but they never seem to mention its origins. Also is it a national public holiday ?

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  • shawnce
    Oct 29, 09:35 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple appears to have pulled the publicly accessible Mac OS 10.4.8 Source Code (Darwin, the open-source foundation of OS X, and XNU, Darwin's open-source kernel), leaving only developers with ADC log-ins with access to the code (public link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/), ADC link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/))

    10.4.8 sources have never been available via the Darwin Releases (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/) page (just never linked to the web-page). They have been available via macosforge.org (http://kernel.macosforge.org/intel-build-instructions.html) (links to tarballs on Apple's site) which has been mostly offline and under-construction for the last month and they have been available via the tarball link (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/) (10.4.8 Intel is xnu-792.13.8 (http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/tarballs/apsl/xnu-792.13.8.tar.gz)).

    Also the "ADC link" referenced for the tarballs is not an ADC account but the standard free open source account that anyone can create. The only requirement is that you read and agree to the open source license. You do not need any type of ADC account, no select or premier, no seed key, just a free Apple ID (create one if you need it) and click that you understand that the APSL exists. This is the same account that you need to gain access to any of Apple's open source items (been this way for years).

    The articles premise is bogus, it is making a false statement about something that did NOT happen.

    I strongly urge that this article be corrected since it is not true and will only serve as FUD material....

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  • ozred
    Mar 17, 06:18 PM
    iPhone 4's are everywhere here in CA. They used to be unique, now the only comment is... "oh you have the one with a bad antenna."

    Steve's denial might work for him and his lemmings, but the general public is more aware than any Apple enthusiast would care to admit. Me? I simply reach into my other pocket and show them my new HTC Inspire, those are the popular phones where I live.

    Public perception overrides how the phone actually performs every time. It's human nature.

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  • friends forever quotes for facebook. friends forever; friends forever. Funkymonk. Apr 19, 10:56 AM. Believe it or not but judging by some replies in this

  • SMM
    Oct 19, 08:29 PM
    This is great news, and that's a lot of macs! I can't help but think part of this is a big group of people waiting to buy a PC until it comes with Vista. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but if I could wait a couple months on the purchase to avoid an imminent ~$150+ O.S. upgrade I would. :cool:

    You may be right, JDOG, I just wonder how big a group that would be? I doubt if the home user crowd is effected too much. I notice that almost everyone is marketing their stuff as "Vista ready". That will probably sooth some buying anxiety from those who are even aware that there is a Vista. Is there an actual launch date for Vista yet? I remember when XP was getting close, Dell and some others were offering XP upgrade certificates. With Vista's price, I will be interested to see if they will do this again?

    I had a visit from a couple Dell folks yesterday. There were some things they said which were interesting. But, there was even more to be gleaned by observation. I was going to discuss this on a new thread. If you see it, you might find it worth reading.

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  • frenchroast
    Sep 28, 08:00 PM
    They also forgot to mention that it will be machined out of a solid block of aluminum billet.

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  • getalifemacfans
    Jan 9, 01:03 PM
    I wouldn't put much faith in the opinions of a person demonstrably unable to coherently express himself.

    This was a personal meaning and yes i use logic when i express myself, maybe you're iq is low and you must attack somebody to make you're higher thats youre personal meaning to(low iq as well - haha(dont take it personally).And yes i think the iphone sucks i have had so much telephones over the years and i think it's just a ipod halo effect(like much off apple is).Look at the ipod touch - go figure.
    And like allways some guys must have with a spoon.the membersname is ironic...put faith in what you want i dont care..(buddha ore jesus)thats your personal faith..here we go with that spoon - "dadda....
    haha...allways funny.. your sincerly
    best regards

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  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:31 PM
    hey, im all for apple not releasing this software to the public.

    Why? it may mean less viruses or hacks.

    security through obscurity doesn't really work as well as its proponents would like to think. take pgp for example. it's completely open. how many cracks have there been for it?

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  • saxamoophone
    Apr 29, 04:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So will ipad3 or ipad4 will be running MAC OS X??

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  • jaw04005
    Sep 8, 12:18 AM
    Its Music. Music now a days contains some curse words. There were no 5 year olds in that audience...

    Some adults don't use such words in their everyday life for various reasons. I think it's a personal choice whether you choose to listen to "explicit" music, and I wouldn't assume "everyone has" anything. Obviously, it was rather weird to have that type of language in such as professional atmosphere. I wouldn't expect to see it on MTV (without beeps), much less an Apple keynote presentation.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't get "edited" out in the next few days as more people see it.

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  • funny friends forever quotes. The sun won#39;t shine until you put the umbrella away. Be free. ~Author Unknown It was times like these when I thought my

  • revjay
    Sep 25, 11:34 AM
    Just FYI, I'm running Aperture with 17k+ images on an iMac 24" 2.1ghz G5 - sometimes slow, but heck i'm doing it and drooling over the 1.5 update

    ...well...I've been using Aperture 1.1 with 765k+ images on a 24" 800mhz G3 and it really rocks!...

    I'm assuming you slipped and meant to type 20"...right?

    toke lahti
    Jan 15, 06:22 PM
    To all of you saying Blu-Ray, do you really think Apple is going to put that in their computers if they are trying to get digital distribution to work? I just don't see it happening.
    Apple also claims to be pro choise for pro video content creation.
    Can you imagine pro video without blu-ray in 2008?
    Once again pro choise is no choise...
    Next dissapointment time will be wwdc at summer?
    Maybe they don't update xraid to make demand for TimeCapsule also ;)

    Apr 26, 10:38 AM
    Thanks, I honestly did not know the answer to that question, and I would guess that others did not know as well. I hope my asking did not offend you.

    No problem, you seem well meaning and that's all that matters :)

    He is a male, just like me, I can't believe you don't understand that...

    He thinks he is female which is a whole other thing

    I can't believe you don't understand that she's not. Do you know this girl personally? If not then you don't know a damn thing about her, other than what you've been fed by the media.

    Apr 17, 04:15 PM
    Under sharia law a woman who was raped would need like 9 witnesses to prove the man guilty. And her testimony in other cases would be half that of a man's.

    Sharia law isn't a very good thing to bring up ;)

    Indeed I would hate to live under such a system...
    but, I do think that it is worth reminding kids who smugly proclaim that they are involved in illegal activities because of skewed morals and misguided self-entitlement that there are penalties and consequences for such actions... don't you?

    Apr 29, 02:17 PM
    Now that OS X Server is bundled with the Client version, does this mean we should see a price drop on the Mac Mini server edition?

    Or maybe just better hardware specs to compensate for the cost difference?

    Or maybe there won't be a server version, you just have one Mac Mini, pick your options, and when you receive it, then you enable the server features you want...

    Oct 10, 05:31 PM
    Nope... we're thinking this will be a totally different iPod product, separate from the normal iPod or the nano or the shuffle.

    so like an iTV kinda thing?